Implantation using a Strauman BLX
This is a 61-year-old male patient.
Socket management was performed at the same time as tooth number 16 was extracted.
This photo is about 4 months after tooth extraction.
Strauman BLT was implanted using bone grafting using a crestal approach using the usual method.
Because the initial fixation was not good, the prosthesis was completed after about 6 months.
However, about 6 months after functioning, the implant was shaken like this and was removed.
After about 5 months, additional cresatal approach and bone grafting were performed again for the first time. Strauman BLX was placed to provide better fixation.
About 4 months later. Progressive loading was performed by installing a temporary prosthesis.
After about 3 months, the final prosthesis was performed.
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