Implant placement through tooth extraction socket.

The patient is a 79-year-old male who came for dental treatment due to fractured teeth in the maxilla at tooth numbers 13 and 15. The radiograph provided is an image taken before the fracture occurred.

Based on the CT findings before the fracture, tooth number 13 showed a position toward the contralateral side.

Tooth number 13 was extracted by carefully placing the drill on the palatal side of the root and directly drilling to remove the tooth cautiously.

Implant placement for tooth number 3 was done on the palatal side because the contralateral alveolar bone was thin, making it a suitable location for the implant.

Bone grafting with allograft was performed on the contralateral side during the extraction.

After maintaining the resorbable membrane, the suturing was performed to minimize the exposure of the contralateral flap while keeping it protected.

One week later, the sutured area has opened up. It could be due to suturing too tightly or may be influenced by factors such as smoking.

In this case, I think it is better to promote secondary healing while maintaining cleanliness rather than re-suturing the area.

Here is the picture taken approximately 2 weeks later. Secondary healing is gradually progressing.

This is the picture showing the position of the implant at tooth number 13. The position is appropriate, and the implant is not exposed, showing a healing appearance.

This is the final appearance of the prosthesis approximately 4 months later.

Radiographic results.

Used Grade V implants from OSSTEO BIONICS, considering their strength and durability.



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